Thursday, August 8, 2013

Caution:Cheesy Reenactment!

E loves her little princess puzzle. (thank you Auntie Donna) So you can imagine her dismay when we couldn't find the last piece!!  Oh man we searched for it last..........

ok,ok, I so wish I could have caught her utter JOY with my camera but alas, this is indeed a reenactment.  BUT, nevertheless I can tell you she was jumping and dancing and screaming with joy!! 
This reminded me of something I heard once, that our hearts have this little piece that is "God-shaped" and He is the ONLY thing that can satisfy that little spot.  Some "pieces" you can kind of try to shove in there and they may hold for awhile, but they can never truly, completely fill that spot. 
Not too many years ago, I remember thinking things like...I will be happy when: my kids behave better...I lose 10 pounds...we get a bigger car...etc etc.
Then one day I asked God to take up residence in every part of my life and my puzzle was complete!!  Cue the jumping and dancing and screaming with JOY!!

                                    heart-shaped puzzle

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