Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Got glasses?

I wanted to share my latest page with you.    : )

These are Emily's 4 year old pictures.  I can't believe she is almost 4 1/2!!  Wow, next year she'll be going to kindergarten... sniff, sniff.  Though not surprised, I have to say, God knew what He was doing when He added her to our quiet family of four - she is just the perfect complement....the pink sprinkles on the icing on the cake, if you will!  She makes us all laugh every day. We are constantly amazed at the things she comes up with and there are many times I find myself wishing I could look at life through rose Emily-colored glasses.....after all, when looking at the dust on the table in the front room she happily exclaimed, "Mommy!!  Look at all the beautiful FAIRY DUST!!!"  ; )

Her comments can also tug at my heart like the one early morning on my way to drop her off before work she matter of factly said, "The sky is pink.  God made it that way cuz he knows I love pink!"
I looked back and she was just staring up at the sky with the biggest smile on her face.
I know some of it is her being a girl, some of it her personality, but I believe with my whole heart a bunch of her sweetness is that she has never lived a day without hearing how much God loves her, and that she really IS a princess, indeed...a daughter of the King of kings. 
So, I've been thinking.... maybe it's not rose-colored or Emily-colored glasses I need, but maybe I need to always make sure I am looking at life through my joy-of-knowing-Jesus- glasses!!  Do you have yours on?

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome...what a sweet girl she is and a sweet mommy you are! She's blessed to have you share the love of Jesus with her all the time!
    Oh & and she constantly cracks me up too...that fairy dust comment is priceless :)
